Archive for October, 2013

Our shadow is everything we think we aren’t. It is an accumulation of our stored darkness that we refuse to look at and accept. It is everything we reject and hate within our own being such as our own anger, jealousy, fear, shame, lies, ignorance, intolerance, bitterness and re-activeness. Our shadow holds everything we think is “bad” and since we only want to accept our “good” qualities….all of our deepest darkest secrets get pushed to the background (stored in our energy fields) creating our shadow. Whatever we feel is not acceptable to reveal to our family, friends, society and ourselves is hidden within our shadow. In order to be accepted and feel good about ourselves we reject those parts of our psyches that we don’t want to show the world. Unfortunately, all of these rejected aspects of ourselves still remain with us and are covered up by all of our social masks. However, these negative aspects are still a part of our being and they will continue to show themselves when we least expect it! Regardless of how much we try to suppress them, there they are seeking attention, healing and transformation. At a certain point on our journey back to wholeness, our shadow will reveal itself. What seemed like a straight path back to love, light and unification all the sudden takes an unexpected turn when the dark aspects of ourselves begin to make themselves known. At this point, we will no longer be able to hide from ourselves. As we face God, we face ourselves! All of our perceived “bad qualities” that we have not owned will rise to the surface so they too can be acknowledged and accepted and brought back into the light and truth of our being.

Facing our shadow is a difficult process because it appears suddenly, out of the blue, throwing us off track forcing us to face our fears, insecurities, past mistakes and poor decisions. Our shadow reminds us where we need to focus for a deeper level of healing. It shows us our repressed emotions, feelings, dysfunctions, history, denials, weaknesses, addictions and patterns. We do not need to fear our shadow; in fact, we need to learn how to embrace it. Our shadow will only show up when we are ready to truly move into wholeness, gain our highest soul’s potential and become the master of our lives. We must move through our darkness before we will truly be able to fully step into the light of our divinity. When we acknowledge the information our shadow provides and accept its teachings, our shadow becomes the bridge between the darkness of our fears to the light of redemption and unification. Our soul knows when it is time to clear our energy and begin to live our life in a different way. When our soul feels we are ready, our shadow will be brought forth and each of us will be called to find the inner strength to face it so we can transform it. This part of ourselves can no longer be denied, it must be acknowledged, transformed and integrated into our being before we will be able to raise our vibrations to our highest potential.

When things in our life take a turn for the worst and we can’t figure out what we are doing to create these circumstances, we can be sure that our soul has decided that it is time for us to meet our shadow. Our shadow is held in place by the unconscious parts of our mind that need healing. These unconscious parts are like sub personalities that were created from our unwillingness to fully feel our negative feelings because we perceived them to be bad. Since we have not been taught how to deal with these negative feelings, in a healthy way, we stuff them in our subconscious mind creating our shadow. This part of our self gets disconnected from our conscious self because we only want to deal with what makes us feel good. Unfortunately, the human experience does not always feel good and our uncomfortable feelings must be dealt with or we will continue to stuff things in our unconscious mind creating a darker, larger shadow moving us further and further away from the light of our God self. Denial of our negative feelings does not make them go away. In order to transform them they must be fully experienced so they can be acknowledged and healed. If we continue to avoid these unpleasant feelings they will continue to influence our behaviors and will be like little magnets that continue to attract people and situations into our life that we would rather not be involved with. When we feel like there is something outside of ourselves creating our life circumstance, and we want to blame others, we need to stop and realize that it is our shadowy sub personalities that are magnetizing these events into our lives. These parts of ourselves have been disowned and they are drawing attention to themselves so they can be welcomed back into our being and healed. This can only occur if we choose to receive the gift our shadow is trying to show us and acknowledge the emotion, feeling and behavior as part of our being. If we deny our shadow consciousness it will continue to persist. Bringing our conscious awareness to it and accepting it as part of our being shines light on it, transmuting it into love. Once all of these disowned aspects of our being are integrated, we will no longer need to draw unpleasant situations into our lives.

The unwillingness to look at ourselves honestly and make the changes necessary to evolve our souls is the essence of hypocrisy. We must accept accountability, responsibility and ownership of our own darkness and misqualified energy. We all have a shadow and the only way to transform it is to shine light on it through our increased awareness and willingness to stop rejecting those parts of ourselves that we don’t want to own. Be aware that your shadow and negative ego support each other because they are both disowned aspects of ourselves that we have separated from the light of our God self. Healing means to make ourselves whole. By disowning and rejecting our ego and our shadow we fragment ourselves into separate beings keeping us from reaching a state of unification and wholeness. In order for us to re-member ourselves bringing us into a state of healing and wholeness we must recognize and own our shadow so we can transform our ego bringing more of our true divine essence into our being.

Both the ego and the shadow support each other because the main job of the ego is to keep us in separation, fragmented from our God self. In fact your ego will deny that your shadow is a part of your being, in any way. The ego knows if we recognize and heal our shadow, our shadow will be integrated into our God self which means the ego will be out of a job and integrated as well. In order to keep the shadow from being acknowledged, the ego will assist the shadow by helping the shadow to distance itself from its source of discomfort which creates further separation and denial within our being. For example, when we see someone misbehaving or being “bad” we pass judgment (ego) and immediately label it as “not us” (shadow). We blame (ego & shadow) and point fingers at everyone else for their inappropriate behavior projecting (ego & shadow) those parts of ourselves we have denied (ego) onto them making ourselves superior (ego) to all the other people out there (ego) who could never, never be reflections of ourselves. The ego loves to reinforce its sense of separateness by making us feel justified and self-righteous in our blaming. The egos basic premise is that of victim hood and a victim must always have someone to blame. Because our shadow avoids everything unpleasant, it will avoid taking responsibility for the co-creation of the circumstance and stuff it in the subconscious mind simply wanting it to go away leaving us alone. Unfortunately, this perpetuates and intensifies our darkness keeping our rejected parts inside the shadow and away from the light of our God self.

The shadow holds all the darkness from every traumatic event we have ever endured and not cleared from our subconscious mind. In order for us to fully step into our light, resolve our karma and raise our vibrations we must face and clear all of those things we refuse to accept about ourselves. This is why our relationships are often referred to as mirrors. Whatever we see in another person “that provokes an uncomfortable reaction” is usually a good indicator of a characteristic or sub personality within our own being that needs to be accepted and healed as well. We tend to see in other people all of the qualities that we have personally disowned. They are mirroring back to us our own shadows. Anger, hatred, jealousy and bitterness can only hurt us if it is denied. When we suppress our emotions and feelings, because we have been taught they are wrong, our shadow enlarges keeping us from accessing greater amounts of light. Once our feelings are embraced and we learn what they are trying to teach us they will no longer be stored in our shadows demagnetizing the charge they once had on us. For example, if we see someone overreacting and it doesn’t provoke a reaction, emotion or feeling within our being, then we can be sure we have owned this aspect of ourselves because it will no longer have a charge within our being. We will be able to have compassion for this person knowing that a part of their shadow has risen up to the surface to be acknowledged and healed. Neutrality, not denial, is a good sign that you are integrating those aspects of your self that use to enrage you. However, if you continue to attract repetitive situations with people who keep demonstrating a similar type of behavior, that provokes a reaction in you, then you can be sure the Universe is trying to show you a disowned aspect of yourself that needs to be owned and integrated within your being. The Universe is lovingly bringing situations to each one of us helping us to heal and step into wholeness. When we have demagnetized all of our shadow consciousness, we will no longer attract relationships to show us our hidden aspects that we have been in denial about. We will no longer need another person to mirror our shadow back to us and we will naturally move towards those relationships that reflect back our light. Before we can be healed of any condition – body, mind or soul – we must be willing to take ownership of our creations before we can truly let them go releasing them into the light of God.

Each of us are affected by our own level of shadow consciousness and ego distortions. For the most part, this is not intentional, it is usually an unconscious act of self-deception that our shadow and ego thrives on. However, raising our vibration, merging with our God self and entering the Kingdom of God requires us to bring everything we have been avoiding unconsciously into our conscious awareness so it can be transformed. Energy never dies; it must be transformed! If we do not face our shadow, feel it and clear it we will not be able to raise our vibration high enough for our God self to merge with our being. We have to transform our darkness into light and the only way to do that is to bring it into our conscious awareness and look at it with brutal self-honesty. We need to clear out our energy fields and face our lies, shame, blame and anger. We must stop denying the negativity that lives within our being and face it so we can heal ourselves and become whole and authentic. These negativities are the very things we are here on Earth to heal. We are in a constant state of being refined and our ego and shadow work will not end until we have purified ourselves enough to be completely absorbed back into the light of the Creator Of “All That Is”.

Shadow Reactions

  • Anything that feels like it isn’t you.
  • Feelings and Emotions “others” provoke in you that you just want to go away. Your shadow is all of your rejections.
  • All feelings and emotions you don’t want to own.
  • “Out of character” emotions or reactions that are showing up in your life. These are the hidden sub personalities, stored in your subconscious, that want to be healed!
  • Aspects of your self you don’t want others to see so you wear a mask.
  • Our deepest, darkest and most terrible secrets.
  • Our resistances. What we resist, persists.

Ego Reactions that Support the Shadow

  • Blames others for their current situation. Refuses to accept responsibility for their own life / circumstances / creations / behaviors. We blame someone else when they exhibit a part of our shadow that is trying to be healed.
  • Projects their disowned sub personalities onto others because they don’t want to acknowledge their hidden issues. Finger pointing! Our outer reality is a reflection of our inner reality. Whatever we see in another person, that provokes a reaction, is a reflection of something within our own being that needs to be owned.
    “ You are angry ”
    “ You are obnoxious ”
    “ You are over reactive ”
    “ You are hateful ”
    “ You are emotional ”
    “ You have a big ego ”
  • The ego creates the distance (separation) the shadow wants from its uncomfortable feelings. This creates separation / fragmentation within our being keeping us from reuniting with all of our parts, which keeps us from being whole.
  • Denial! Denies that the shadow is a part of you:
    “ I don’t have a shadow ”
     “ I don’t have negative feelings ”
     “ I don’t have any darkness”
     “ I don’t wear a mask.”
     “ I don’t have issues”
     “ I don’t need healing”

Signs that You are Integrating Your Shadow and Ego

  • You notice behaviors in others but have no need to react or respond.
  • Other people’s behaviors no longer create a feeling or an emotion in you. They do not trigger an internal alarm or create negative head chatter. You are becoming neutral.
  • You no longer blame the other person or berate yourself when a shadow aspect shows up. You acknowledge and accept the disowned parts of your being, shining the light of your consciousness on them so they can be transmuted and healed. You are pulling yourself out of blame and denial.
  • You are able to fully embrace and fully love all parts of yourself, even the parts that aren’t so great. This is self-love!!!
  • You embrace your humanity with determination and acceptance knowing that when your shadow consciousness arises this is a positive sign that shows healing is occurring in your life. You are allowing all of your disowned shadowy sub personalities to be demagnetized through your acceptance and healing of them.
  • Your life has become more peaceful and your circumstances, relationships and interactions are becoming more positive.

Questions to Ask Yourself

  • What judgments do you have about other people? These judgments show us our hidden aspects that need to be healed. Once we own them, other people’s behaviors will not bother us.
  • What scenarios in your life are repetitive? Do you keep attracting the same kind of negative people in your life? What are they trying to show you?
  • Be really honest with yourself and make a list of all the things about yourself you try to hide from others. Recognize that it takes twice as much energy to hide these aspects from yourself and others than it does to own them.
  • Where are you being inauthentic in your interactions? In what situations do you put on a “mask”? What are you hiding?

If we do not confront the darkness within us we will meet it as fate.    
Carl Jung

Because the sage confronts his difficulties he never experiences them.    
Lao Tsu

The gold is in the dark.  
Carl Jung

When you can say, “ I am that”, to the deepest darkest aspects of yourself, then you can reach true enlightenment.      
Debbie Ford

The unexamined life is not worth living.

This material is copyrighted. You can share this information with proper credits given to Sabrina Reber as the author, complete title of the book “RAISE YOUR VIBRATION”, provide an image of the cover of the book, and a link to the HOW TO RAISE YOUR VIBRATION Facebook page. 
Any attempts to take the information and alter it in any way or try to claim it as your own is karmically binding for you, and puts you at risk for legal action based on copyright infringement. Please be respectful and provide proper credits so this information can remain freely available to all. Stay in alignment with your higher self and integrity. Blessings. 


When we don’t accept responsibility for the negative creations in our OWN life, we oftentimes project our co-creator role onto “others” and like to tell them how they should live “their” life. Our focus of energy is in the wrong place!

This is a sneaky trick of the ego and shadow consciousness… distracts us from our own place of power and our own soul’s ascension by projecting everything externally of the self ~ focusing more on what OTHERS should or should not be doing, and not what we should be doing.

Projection ~ projecting our stuff onto others ~ keeps us blinded from our own distortions, and keeps us from evolving our soul. Evolution of the soul requires letting go of the old and stepping into the new ~ it requires us to transcend the lower self so we can incorporate more and more of our higher self into our being.

Next time you catch your self focusing on the choices and behaviors of others ~ redirect your self to your SELF. This is where your place of power is, for you truly can not change others….you can only change the SELF.

Be aware of your focus of energy. Are you focused on the inner path of your own salvation and soul’s ascension or the outer path of the ego’s projections, distortions and illusions?

Healer, heal thyself, and you will help heal the world.


Overcoming and integrating the negative ego is a central aspect on the spiritual path. As we just learned, it is our ego that creates fear. The ego creates a filter that distorts the way our mind perceives everything. It literally creates spiritual blindness and keeps us stuck in limited thinking. The ego places a veil of illusion or a veil of amnesia over our eyes keeping us from accessing our higher wisdom and truth. Evil is the “veil” that blocks us from maintaining a strong connection with our God self. This veil creates the illusion that God is outside of ourselves. All external pathways that rely on a savoir or something outside of our selves to reach God is an illusion which has been created by the human ego. The only path that leads to salvation is the inner path. Divine illumination is given to those, who choose for themselves, to shed the illusions of the ego and reach for a direct relationship with their God self. Jesus clearly states, “The Kingdom of God is Within” and any teaching that teaches God is outside of ourselves is an anti Christ teaching. In order to enter the kingdom, which is the expansion of God consciousness within our own being, each of us must heal our shadow consciousness and transcend the human ego, which will lift the veil of amnesia from our minds. When the veil is lifted we are removed from the darkness and confines of ego separation, denial and fear. We begin to see the light of truth transforming our denseness and darkness (coal) into vibrant divine energy (gold) leading us into God realization. Cleaning up our soul is an alchemical process and it is the very reason we incarnated in the first place.

Transcending the negative ego, raising our vibration and striving to expand our being into greater awareness is a life long journey. The ego will try to deceive us every step of the way because it does not want us to recognize who we truly are and step fully into our divine power. The ego will trick us into believing we have arrived spiritually. It will tell us we have learned all we need to learn and no longer have to work on ourselves. Spiritual complacency and the trick of the ego is very common in the Christian religion. We bought into the belief that once we are baptized, acknowledge that Jesus died on the cross for our sins and accept Christ into our hearts we are guaranteed salvation. Unfortunately, this has halted many of us from moving forward with our spiritual growth because we now believe Jesus has taken on the responsibility of our sins and misqualified energy. Our negative emotions, ego and shadowy psychological patterns get suppressed, denied and ignored because we believe Jesus is responsible for our salvation and we stop doing the inner work necessary to redeem ourselves. Believing in a savior outside of ourselves keeps us repeating the same karmic patterns over and over again keeping us in the pattern of death and rebirth in order to balance our energy. We have given our power away to something outside of ourselves to save us, accepting the illusions of the ego, which is a false path that will only bring continued suffering, chaos and drama! The only way to reach salvation and redeem ourselves is to go within our inner being accepting responsibility for our misqualified energy, soul wounds and repetitive patterns that keep us stuck in duality and separation.

Never underestimate the ego’s power to keep humanity in avoidance and denial. The ego promotes psychological laziness keeping us stuck in dramas and difficult lessons so it can feed off of our energy. The only way to free ourselves from the trappings of our ego is to become conscious of it and do the inner work necessary so we can ascend our human consciousness up to our Spirit literally pulling our God self down into our energetic and physical vehicles. This will not occur until we become proactive in transcending our  psychological wounds, repetitive behavioral patterns and are willing to balance our karma. An expansion of consciousness requires the willingness to self transcend. Self-growth and continued expansion never stops and is the very essence of creation. The Universe is always in a constant flow of transition, transformation, change and expansion. The Creator is always transcending itself into something bigger and better and our soul is expected to do the same. However, the ego and many religious groups, promote psychological laziness and comfortability so they can control us and keep us disempowered. If we connect with our God self, igniting the kingdom of God from within, we will no longer be stuck and disempowered. We will discover the truth of our being setting ourselves free from the control of anything outside of ourselves to be our source of wisdom, guidance truth and God connection.

When we choose to step into our power releasing the control and fear produced by the ego and fear filled organizations we will open our “spiritual eyes” and intuitive faculties keeping us from being blinded by the human ego. When our spiritual eye is not open, we are in the dark and literally cannot “see” the patterns and subconscious programs that continue to wreak havoc in our lives. When we are no longer blinded and we choose to open our eyes to “see” ourselves we will transcend our current level of consciousness and experience oneness with God and all beings returning to the ultimate truth, that God is love. In order to know God’s truth we will need to experience it directly in order to release the confinements of our ego. We will not understand truth until it is experienced in that blissful state of oneness that occurs when our physical, emotional, mental and spiritual bodies have been cleared, integrated and balanced. When this occurs, our chakras will be activated and our energy fields will be harmonized and aligned in order for our God self to descend into our physical body. This is truly a remarkable experience, a mystical union that is available to all who are willing to “Know Thyself” and purify the misqualified energies in their physical, emotional and mental bodies. The spiritual body will begin to take dominion over our physical being and our God self will now be able to work through our lower being helping us to become the God empowered beings we truly are.

As we face God, we face ourselves. If we choose to serve our ego refusing to look at ourselves and our negative subconscious programs we will not be able to access a strong flow of spiritual energy from our God self. The only way to take dominion over the ego, gain health, vitality, right understanding and harmony is to build a strong foundation of God energy or spiritual energy running through our systems. This will amplify our energy fields and fill every cell of our body, mind and soul with the divine healing essence of God. This is an alchemical process where we turn our darkness into light. When we serve our ego, we look away from God denying our darkness, which creates additional blocks and barriers within our energy field. This keeps our vibration low and diminishes the amount of divine energy our bodies are able to pull through. A lack of spiritual energy is what creates all illness, disease, ignorance, bitterness and self-destruction on our planet. The human ego cannot be completely transformed until our God self has merged with our physical being filling it with its divine essence of light. We are multidimensional beings with our God self living in our higher vibrating dimensions (several feet above our head). We must actively pursue connection to this higher part of ourselves, through meditation, in order to activate our God consciousness revealing the truth of our being. Once our God self merges with our physical self, the real journey begins and our newly activated Christ / Buddha / Cosmic consciousness will empower us to see clearly through the illusions created by our ego. When we are willing to shed our pride and compensate for our past unconscious actions, face God and make things right, that’s when we will take up our cross of karma and move forward into the magnificence of our being.

Raising our vibration, overcoming our ego’s and striving to attain divine union with our God self is a lifestyle and a journey that will require self-love, patience and perseverance. Our ego is part of the human condition and it must be dealt with, acknowledged, balanced and integrated. The ego is very much like a rebellious child that is full of fear. The ego was created out of the soul’s fear of perceived separation and the ego is terrified of giving up its control and surrendering to the love of the God self. Every time we make a decision from our God self we experience love, joy, passion for life, clarity, peace, fascination and fun. Whenever we make a negative decision from the ego we experience fear, doubt, control, unworthiness, powerlessness, confusion, denial and pain. The ego will tell the world how grand it is and what accomplishments it has achieved but deep inside the ego feels inadequate because it knows it was created out of illusion and not from the truth of our being. Any negative reaction, judgment or feeling we experience is always from the lower self or ego. Whenever our ego surfaces all we need to do is pay attention, become aware of it and observe it so we can transform it. We can take this opportunity to take dominion over our lower self and choose to respond from a place of love instead of fear.

Dedication to inner work and our spiritual growth is imperative for us to continually become more and more embodied by our God self. Refining and dissolving our lower being into a greater expression of who we truly are is a continuous process. The ego does not completely dissolve when our God self merges with our physical being. However, our God self will now have dominion over the ego or lower self and will lovingly and patiently guide our soul to release everything that no longer serves its highest good. As we raise our vibration, it is important for us to discern when we are working from our spiritual self and when we are working from our negative ego. The lower self / personality self is in duality and separation identifying itself as a physical body that is separate from everyone and everything else. It is based on fear and keeps us in a state of judgment, condemnation, separation and unforgiveness. Many people spend lifetimes struggling with their lower self never allowing their spiritual self to shine through so their lower self can be transformed. Our spiritual self is our truth; it is our divine self or divine spark that lives in each of us. It is this part of ourselves that urges us to see beyond our limited sense of identity. Our divine self knows we are more than our physical body and third dimensional titles we have put upon ourselves. Our spiritual self knows we are NEVER disconnected from God or anyone else.

Personality Self / Ego Spiritual Self / Soul / God
Not recognizing the divinity in yourself or others Recognizing divinity in self and ALL living things
Seeing yourself as separate Knowing you are connected to everything to everything
Focuses on differences Recognizes similarities
Intellect (Mind) Intuition (Heart)
Hostility Compassion
Re-Action Awareness
Past or Future Fully in the Present Moment
Fear (false evidence appearing real) Courage
Judgment Acceptance
Right / Wrong to learn from Everything is an experience
Better / Worse Everything has value
Good /Bad Acceptance
Separation Unity
Outer Path Inner Path
Belief Knowingness
Conditional Love Unconditional Love
Unforgiveness Forgiveness
Blame Personal Responsibility
Conformity Authentic Life
Addictions Freedom
Power & Control Surrender & Acceptance
Dogma Open-minded
Superior Empowered & Sees the Potential in All
Lack of Self Worth Self-love
Elitism Oneness
Personality Self / Ego Spiritual Self / Soul / God
Fear / Dark Love / God Light
Disempowering Empowering
Chaos Peace
Self Worth Sought through Materialism Recognizes Self Divinity, Abundant with Spirit
Blocked In the flow
Rigid Flexible
Illusion Truth
Co-dependent Independent
Materialism Spiritualism
Victim Consciousness Empowered Consciousness
Doing Being
Denies mistakes Learns from mistakes
Defensive / Aggressive Compassionate / Peaceful
Exclusive Absolute Inclusiveness
Domination Cooperation
Compares Itself to Others Sees Itself in Everyone

Raising our vibration requires us to embody as many aspects of our spiritual self as possible. You will notice you have aspects of both the negative ego and the spiritual self. Humans are not perfect! Every human has a negative ego. We are here to learn lessons and grow from our current level of consciousness into a more expanded one. Oftentimes, we will make great progress and develop a very strong spiritual self. However, the lower self is still a part of our being and it will reveal itself in very subtle ways. It is our responsibility to stop denying this part of our being and recognize when it overshadows our spiritual self. Self-awareness, self-honesty and the willingness to self transcend is all that’s required to make progress. Our consciousness cannot be expanded if we choose not to look at our lower self ego and learn the lessons it is trying to teach us. There is always a lesson in every interaction! Self love and compassion for yourself, as well as, others is absolutely necessary while we all undergo the transformation of the lower self.

Keeping our hearts open during this transformational process can be a challenge. For many of us, the only way for our negative ego to be healed is for it to rise to the surface through a negative interaction so we can “SEE” the pain and trauma we create from our negative emotions, reactive behaviors and fears. Many of us have denied and stuffed so much negativity in our energy fields we aren’t even consciously aware of what needs to be transformed within our own being. In order for us to heal our negativity we need to bring it out into conscious awareness, for all to see, so we can shed light on it and choose differently next time around. During this great transformation it will be important for each of us to surround ourselves around people who are actively working on themselves and transcending their lower self. If you look around the planet you will see a split between those choosing the light of knowledge and those choosing the darkness of denial. What we resist persist, so those souls who continue to stay in denial about their negative ego will continue to recreate the same toxic situations over and over again until they learn their lessons transforming their current level of consciousness into a more enlightened one. Everyone needs to obtain a heightened level of compassion for everyone during this process. However, that does not mean we need to continue to allow ourselves to become engulfed with repetitive negative interactions with others who continue to repeat the same lessons over and over again. Our soul mates may require traumatic events to trigger them into an awareness of the dead end directions of their old choices. Unfortunately, pain can be a catalyst for transformation.

Our heart is the entryway to the soul and our Holy Spirit. Because of this, continued traumatic events with those choosing to stay in denial could be counterproductive to our own soul’s evolution. Have enough love for yourself and others to release all  co-dependant relationships that are no longer a vibrational match. Many will choose to experience the duality and separation of the ego for an extended period of time. We must respect their free will choice even if we know it will lead them on a path of continued suffering and pain. For some, it may take many more lifetimes before they choose to raise their vibration high enough activating the Kingdom of God within themselves. Everyone has the same potential to connect to their heart space, the seat of their soul, their own personal Holy Spirit and reach up to their God self to incorporate more of its divine energy within their being. The ego does not want us to remember this and it will create a tremendous amount of resistance in our lives. In addition, the systems in our world are set up to promote the ego and do not acknowledge our true power.

Overcoming our egos and the limiting programs we have created in our subconscious requires patience, desire, dedication and persistence. The egos greatest weapon is fear and denial. The Bible speaks of a deceiver that will trick many into following a false God. Unfortunately, many people have not realized that it is their own ego that deceives them into opting for the easy way out keeping them from doing the inner work necessary to further their soul’s growth.
The majority of humanity has been in the grips of the negative ego / fear based / separative mind for the past 26,000 years. Our choices have created disharmony and unbalance on our planet, however, we are currently moving into the higher vibrations of soul consciousness, unity, unconditional love and peace.  The Earth is ascending and we too have the opportunity to join her. It is a personal choice and we each have free will. We can choose to stay in our egoic limitations of duality and separation or we can choose to face ourselves and transcend our negativity by stepping into the love of our God self. We have a choice as to which part of our being we want to be predominant, the ego or the soul. We have to decide which part of our self is sacred and only allow it to be our source of authority. If we want to work from our divine essence we need to set our intention to reconnect with our God self. Our divine self has always been with us simply waiting for us to give up ego control and ask for its assistance. Everyday state:

“ I surrender and release ego control and ask for my God self to
merge with me and assist me with my highest good.”

If you were still blinded by your ego you would have tossed this book away along time ago because your ego would have created a tremendous amount of resistance and discomfort fooling you into believing that this book has no merit. The majority of humanity is not even aware that they have given their power over to an imposter! The ego thrives on denial because it knows we cannot reclaim our power and heal ourselves if we are not aware of it in the first place. Many people’s egos have such a tight grip on their being they are literally blinded from the truth of reality. Because of the powerful energies of the photon belt, many are just beginning to awaken and realize that there is much more to reality than what we had previously bought into. We have been like an ostrich with our heads in the sand. Those who have been so absolute and sure of things are beginning to rethink their old choices and are beginning to move into integrity accessing more of their authentic self by tapping into their soul and God self.

Integrating and overcoming the negative ego is a very intense process. Each of us will need to be very kind to ourselves as we dig deeper into our being allowing our hidden patterns and distortions to rise to the surface to be acknowledged and healed. We cannot heal something we are not aware of, so everything needing to be healed must rise to the surface! We must step out of resistance and into allowance. Because our egos have been in control for such a long period of time, it will take time to fully dissolve them into the light of God. Don’t let your ego belittle you when you fall out of alignment! The ego will build you up making you think you are superior and then diminish you when you make a mistake making you believe you are worthless. Dissolving the power of the ego is a lifestyle! We all hold a tremendous amount of power within our being and because the ego is not based in truth, it can only maintain the power that we give to it. We are each powerful Creators of our lives! Who else could possibly be creating your world for you? We each have the choice and the power to dissolve our ego and change our personal world whenever we want to. When each of us accepts responsibility for the healing of our being, we contribute to the healing of the entire planet.

  • When you notice your Ego has surfaced, ask yourself :
         What am I needing and why am I responding this way?
  • Which part of your being is running your life? The Ego or the Soul?
  • What parts of yourself are you willing to transcend?

God = Man – Ego 
Sai Baba 

Seek and ye shall find. 
Matthew 7:7

I (the ego) die daily.    
St. Paul 1 Cor. 15: 31

A Native American Elder once described his own inner struggles in this manner: Inside of me there are two dogs. One of the dogs is mean and evil. The other dog is good. The mean dog fights the good dog all the time. When asked which dog wins, he reflects for a moment and replied, “the one I feed the most”.
George Bernard Shaw

This material is copyrighted. You can share this information with proper credits given to Sabrina Reber as the author, complete title of the book “RAISE YOUR VIBRATION”, provide an image of the cover of the book, and a link to the HOW TO RAISE YOUR VIBRATION Facebook page. 
Any attempts to take the information and alter it in any way or try to claim it as your own is karmically binding for you, and puts you at risk for legal action based on copyright infringement. Please be respectful and provide proper credits so this information can remain freely available to all. Stay in alignment with your higher self and integrity. Blessings. 


“Come to the edge” he said,
“We can’t, we are afraid” they said,
“Come to the edge”
“We can’t, we will fall”
“Come to the edge”
and they came
and he pushed them
and they flew.

~ Guillaume Appollinaire

Violet Flame Decrees For Healing Of The Planet

Each one of us are like cells on the Earth. Some of the Earth’s cells are healthy, connected to Spirit and full of light. While other cells are toxic, cancerous  and dis-connected to the light of Spirit. In order to heal the Earth, each one of the Earth’s cells need to be healed. One way we can help heal the Earth is to give violet flame decrees and visualize ourselves and the Earth consumed with the violet flame of transformation, transmutation and healing.

This visualization and invocation can be done while exercising, washing the dishes, in the bath or shower or anytime you are waiting in the car or waiting in a line.

Say a prayer first, stating what you would like to occur. ANY prayer will do, simply speak from your heart.

Example: Creator of All that Is, I ask for the white light of the Christ light to surround me and the Earth. I ask for St. Germain, The Archangels and Beings of the Highest White Christ Consciousness light to be present with me during these violet flame decrees. I ask for my Higher Self to please down ray the violet flame within my entire being and I ask for the violet flame to spread across the Earth transmuting all negativity, illness, disease, karma, negative thought-forms and chaotic energies with ease and grace and for our highest and best good. Thank you, it is done.

 Start with yourself first. Visualize the violet flame surrounding you and penetrating every cell in your body and say: “I AM a being of the Violet Fire, I Am the Purity God Desires.” State this for as long as you like then visualize the violet flame surrounding and penetrating the Earth, say: “The Earth is a being of the Violet Fire, she is the Purity God Desires.”

This is a simple, powerful way for each one of us to contribute to the healing of ourselves, as well as, the entire planet.

Beloved St. Germain
As the crystalline energies of transformation intensify on this planet many will move towards the LIGHT and incorporate more LOVE into their being, while others will withdraw from it and find themselves in the disruptive energies of blame, judgment, chaos, fear and confusion. As we continue on our spiritual path of soul ascension it will be important for us to BE DISCERNING. Discernment is a process of OBSERVING what is going on in our lives and fully FEELING the energy of circumstances so we can discern what is LIGHT for us. It is not a matter of judgment, but a matter of standing in our OWN power, and using our free will choice to choose what feels light filled for us. Things are rapidly changing. What served us last week may not serve us now. We will continually need to be conscious of the direction of our energy. Ask your self: Does this relationship, job, conversation, activity, exchange of energy, belief, behavioral habit serve my highest good? If it doesn’t, consciously choose to create change ~ take responsibility for your SELF. Change is the only constant in the universe….while many people will resist the energy of change ~ those of us ascending will need to constantly be open to the new.

Raising our vibration requires us to embody as many aspects of our spiritual self as possible. You will notice you have aspects of both the negative ego and the spiritual self. Humans are not perfect! Every human has a negative ego. We are here to learn lessons and grow from our current level of consciousness into a more expanded one. Oftentimes, we will make great progress and develop a very strong spiritual self. However, the lower self is still a part of our being and it will reveal itself in very subtle ways. It is our responsibility to stop denying this part of our being and recognize when it overshadows our spiritual self. Self-awareness, self-honesty and the willingness to self transcend is all that’s required to make progress. Our consciousness cannot be expanded if we choose not to look at our lower self ego and learn the lessons it is trying to teach us. There is always a lesson in every interaction! Self love and compassion for yourself, as well as, others is absolutely necessary while we all undergo the transformation of the lower self.

Not recognizing the divinity in yourself or others

Recognizing divinity in self and ALL living things      
Seeing yourself as separate Knowing you are connected to everything to everything
Focuses on differences Recognizes similarities
Intellect (Mind) Intuition (Heart)
Hostility Compassion
Re-Action Awareness
Past or Future Fully in the Present Moment
Fear (false evidence appearing real) Courage
Judgment Acceptance
Right / Wrong to learn from Everything is an experience
Better / Worse Everything has value
Good /Bad Acceptance
Separation Unity
Outer Path Inner Path
Belief Knowingness
Conditional Love Unconditional Love
Unforgiveness Forgiveness
Blame Personal Responsibility
Conformity Authentic Life
Addictions Freedom
Power & Control Surrender & Acceptance
Dogma Open-minded
Superior Empowered & Sees the Potential in All
Lack of Self Worth Self-love
Elitism Oneness
Personality Self / Ego Spiritual Self / Soul / God
Fear / Dark Love / God Light
Disempowering Empowering
Chaos Peace
Self Worth Sought through Materialism Recognizes Self Divinity, Abundant with Spirit
Blocked In the flow
Rigid Flexible
Illusion Truth
Co-dependent Independent
Materialism Spiritualism
Victim Consciousness Empowered Consciousness
Doing Being
Denies mistakes Learns from mistakes
Defensive / Aggressive Compassionate / Peaceful
Exclusive Absolute Inclusiveness
Domination Cooperation
Compares Itself to Others Sees Itself in Everyone


Our higher selves are always communicating with each other and setting up contracts for our souls to evolve from. We don’t have to learn through inflicting pain on another being, but oftentimes it is the pain of “observing” our destructive behaviors that creates the most growth within our being. Once a soul contract is set up, the lesson will be learned even if it requires multiple chances and multiple key players to help us advance our souls. Once the lesson is learned, the contracts we set up with others are over. We can CHOOSE to remain in a relationship with them or move on.

Sometimes one person in the soul contract will learn but the other person needs more time. Our energy fields and consciousness is what creates our reality. Each soul is growing at their own pace….if you are reading this message you are choosing to evolve at an accelerated rate. Our soul mates, who we create contracts with, may choose to grow slowly and they may choose to hold onto the distorted beliefs, subconscious programs and distorted energies within their energy fields that keep them in a pattern of re-creation over and over again until they choose to release what no longer serves them.

Our pain is suppose to be a catalyst for our growth pushing us into an upward spiral of greater awareness, but sometimes, it will catapult people into a downward spiral where they choose the darkness of limitations~ going deeper into the void of repression, denial, numbness and another opportunity over and over again until they decide to choose differently in the future. Sometimes these contracts will continue lifetime after lifetime until the soul finally decides to evolve and balance their misqualifed energy.

When a contract is set up with another soul, it is our job to stay focused on what “The Self” is suppose to learn. This is the inner path. The act of self observation, analysis and willingness to self transcend will lead to the transmutation of the negative energies in our energy fields that need to be cleared so we can create a life of harmony, peace and balance for ourselves. It really doesn’t matter what the other soul was suppose to learn….we are here for our own soul growth and when each person takes responsibility for their own growth ~ we help the entire human consciousness rise in vibration because we are creating more loving circumstances for ourselves that create healing for the entire planet.

The universe and our higher selves love us so much they will continue to draw circumstances to us that are reflective of our hidden inner workings so we can heal and create the life of our dreams. By becoming proactive in our spiritual process through meditation, being consciously aware of our inner workings (how we are feeling) and being willing to “see” the behavioral patterns and negative thought forms within our own being ~ we can create the life we desire by clearing out the unnecessary debris in our energy fields that keeps us blocked and veiled from the truth of our being which is love. This is our birthright….we just need to choose from our own free will to change and to return ourselves to a place of wholeness.

Humanity has allowed fear to invade the consciousness of the planet, lowering our vibrations keeping us from accessing the truth of our being. When our vibration is lowered our ability to hold light is diminished and our consciousness becomes polluted with untruths. All fear is based on the illusion that we are separated from God. Fear is not divine; fear is created by the ego. Our deepest fears are rising to the surface and are demanding our attention, transmutation and healing. At this time on Earth, we are each being presented with a choice as to which path we would like to choose. The path of light leads to unconditional love, the path of darkness leads to fear. There is no middle ground anymore, each of us must choose to either allow our fear to be a catalyst for transformation or we can allow our fear to consume us diminishing our light and halting us from moving forward on the ascension path. Freedom from fear and bringing our own Heaven here down on Earth is a state of mind that can only be experienced when we know with all of our being that each of us are a divine expression, an extension of God. We create our own hell here on Earth by allowing our egos to create blocks and barriers between our mind and God. Our ego “Edges God Out” making us believe that God is outside of ourselves somewhere in the sky judging every move we make. However, we could never be separated from God because God is the very source of life and without connection to God, nothing can survive. Each one of us is literally inside the energy of God and it is the energy of God that keeps every cell in our bodies alive.

Overcoming fear and releasing limiting beliefs based on separation is an essential part of our spiritual / ascension process. Fear is one of the biggest obstacles each of us will have to overcome. Fearful subconscious programming has been fed into our minds from the day we were born. Society, culture, family, religions, governments and media have all played a tremendous role in polluting our minds with destructive programming that separates us from our divinity and God essence. These systems have been manipulative, fear provoking, controlling, divisive, degrading and harmful to our souls. They have promoted ideas and beliefs that have literally enslaved humanity keeping us in a karmic cycle of death and rebirth. We have given our power away to dis-empowering beliefs that have halted our soul’s growth from reaching its highest potential.

Fear of God and the belief in separation keeps us from merging into divine union with our God self. Overcoming duality, ascension and salvation cannot occur until our spiritual self has merged with our physical body. If our beliefs revolve around fear we will not be able to raise our vibration high enough for divine union to occur. Releasing all of our limiting beliefs and subconscious programming will be absolutely necessary for us to expand our consciousness into the realm of divine truth, not human truth. Our thoughts and beliefs are what shape our reality. Many of us were brought up believing we were born of sin. We were told God punishes and he is judgmental, controlling and demands our obedience. We were told we must overcome our flesh and our bodies were unholy. We allowed ourselves to buy into the beliefs of helplessness and powerlessness and began to seek someone or something outside of ourselves to save us so we could enter Heaven. Many of us still believe we have had and only will have one life to embody perfection just like God. The problem is, we don’t even believe in a perfect God! Humanity has projected their imperfect human characteristics onto God never realizing that the God we choose to believe in is the person we will look up to and aspire to be like! The false God, the idol, we have created in our belief system is controlling, conditional, judgmental, separate, disconnected, angry, fearful, dogmatic and contradictory. Humanity has become just like the false God we have chosen to believe in.

The belief in a separate angry God simply is not true! God is bliss, boundless love, infinite intelligence, all-powerful, boundless wisdom, absolute harmony, indescribable beauty and perfection. How could we possibly believe otherwise? God is the source of all love and the creative energy that is in all things. God is the body of “All That Is”, the consciousness of “All That Is” and the driving force that motivates and moves “All That Is”. Each one of us are an extension of God and each of us has a direct line to our Creator. When we desire to connect with God, all we have to do is take the time to silence our minds and go within our inner being. We are never separated from God or from each other. We are all one. In the beginning there was nothing and God said, “Let there be light,” and God said it was good. God created man in his own image and likeness. We are made of light energy, divine energy….pure consciousness. When the light vessel of God broke we all exploded into tiny pieces of indivuated light. Although it appears we are separate, we all come from the same source. Our physical form or body is our temple that houses our light and divine spark. Our body is what allows us to have the experiences we have in this dimension. We could not experience diversity, the beauty of a sunset or the miracle of childbirth without our physical vehicle. However, it is our physical vehicle that creates the illusion that we are all separate when in actuality we are one with God and all living things. We are individuated, diverse beings always connected to the Creator’s energy of life itself.

It is important for us to remember who we are and release all old limiting beliefs and programs that are based on separation, fear and control. The only way to change our reality is to see it for what it is. We cannot create change if we are unaware of who we are. We are amazing, powerful beings. We are limitless. We can be anything we want to be for we are made of divine consciousness and we have within us the same creative abilities as the Creator. The only requirement is a shift in our thinking or a shift in our belief system. We are the creators of our reality. When we choose to create from our heart center, from a place of love, our creations are effortless. When we create from a place of fear we end up creating things we don’t really want like illness, conflict, uncertainty, dis-ease and war. We are all magnificent, divine beings. We are divine sparks of God. We are capable of shifting our reality through our thoughts, feelings, emotions and images in our mind. When we begin to see ourselves as worthy, loveable, abundant, beautiful, eternal, joyful, balanced beings we will create that for ourselves. We are source energy, we are creative….it is important for us to become aware of our creations. We must stop looking outside of ourselves for the solutions to our problems. Stop expecting someone to save you! You have already been saved. Jesus the Christ took on a physical body so he could seed the planet with a higher level of consciousness. Each one of us, regardless of our man made religious “labels” are already Christed! Jesus activated the potential for each one of us to achieve his level of Christ Consciousness. It is already a part of our being; it is our birthright! All we need to do is claim it and activate it within our being by choosing to step into our empowerment and grounding ourselves firmly on the path of personal transformation.

Each of us must actively choose to release our distorted beliefs and conquer our fears in order to raise our vibration. When you run into fear, recognize that it is just a feeling. Fear is not who you are. Allow the feeling to pass through you and see fear as one of your greatest teachers. Fear teaches us that we have stepped out of reality and back into illusion. When we are in fear, we have fallen into separation and we have forgotten who we are. Humanity only has two emotions, Love and Fear. Every sub-emotion such as sadness, guilt, happiness, joy and gratitude falls under either love or fear. Fear (False Evidence Appearing Real) is the Ego (Edging God Out) and is based on the belief that we are separated from God. When we are in fear, we are giving our power away and we are not in the present or real moment. We have stepped into powerlessness and projected ourselves into the past or the future, the world of illusion. In order to conquer our fear all we have to do is acknowledge that “fear” is here and know that it is not real. Fear is always an illusion created by our egos. When you run into fear, resist the urge to deny or reject it. What we resist will persist. All we have to do is acknowledge its presence and choose to transform it into love.

People fear what they do not understand! Anytime fear shows up in your life, ask yourself: Where is this fear coming from? What am I going to do with this fear? What is my fear trying to teach me? Usually, you will be able to track it back to a distorted belief based on separation and powerlessness that you bought into that needs to be transformed and released. As you continue moving forward closer and closer to merging with your God self you will discover layer upon layer of fears that will have to be faced in order for you to advance. Each of us have lifetimes of stored fears within our energy fields that need to be transmuted and turned into love. This is a process and it will not happen overnight. The sooner we accept our fear without placing judgment on it and choose not to feed our fear with more fear the quicker our fear will dissolve. Begin to look at fear as your ally, as your greatest teacher and learn the lessons it is trying to teach you.

  • Have you ever really thought about your belief system? Begin to question everything you have been taught. Examine any contradictions. Decide for yourself if it is really your truth.
  • What are your beliefs about yourself? Are these your beliefs or are they someone else’s beliefs that have been projected on to you?
  • What are your limiting beliefs about yourself and others?
  • What belief systems do you subconsciously hold that block your success?
  • There are only two places to operate from, Love and Fear. When do you operate from a place of fear and when do you operate from a place of love?
  • What beliefs are you willing to release in order for you to claim your divinity?
  • In order to transform fear, you must first own it! Admit that you are choosing to experience the feeling of fear and fully allow yourself to feel it and embrace it so you can transform it. Shine the light of your consciousness on it and the darkness will disappear. Remember that fear is “false evidence appearing real”. It is simply an illusion.
  • When in fear, ask yourself, “Fear, what are you trying to teach me?”
  • When in fear, state affirmations:
    “God is here!”
    “I AM one with God.”
    “I AM one with the Light”
    “I AM surrounded with Gods love and light.”
    “I AM created from Love, I Am Love, I AM surrounded by Love.”
    “I have nothing to fear but fear itself”
    “I release all fear and replace it with love.”

Perceived separation from God and from each other is the
cause of all your dysfunction and suffering.        
Neale Donald Walsh

I would rather have a mind opened by wonder than one closed by belief.
Gerry Spence

I love all religions, but I am in love with my own.
Mother Teresa

The key to change is to let go of fear.     
Rosanne Cash

The known is a prison. It is the unknown which is the field of pure potentiality, the field we need to step into.         
Deepak Chopra

Courage is the mastery of fear, not the absence of fear.
Mark Twain

There’s nobody out there. It only looks that way it’s a trick. The conscious part of the mind looks out and sees all kinds of separation, different bodies and form, but that’s an illusion. And the unconscious part of the mind, almost all of which is hidden, just the way most of an iceberg is hidden underneath the surface of the water, knows that there is really only one of us.        
Gary R. Renard

The only way to define your limits is by going beyond them.
Arthur Clarke

This material is copyrighted. You can share this information with proper credits given to Sabrina Reber as the author, complete title of the book “RAISE YOUR VIBRATION”, provide an image of the cover of the book, and a link to the HOW TO RAISE YOUR VIBRATION Facebook page. 
Any attempts to take the information and alter it in any way or try to claim it as your own is karmically binding for you, and puts you at risk for legal action based on copyright infringement. Please be respectful and provide proper credits so this information can remain freely available to all. Stay in alignment with your higher self and integrity. Blessings. 
